Teaching creativity

  An argument that I had thought long dead resurface recently, briefly stated it suggests that creativity is not something that can or should be taught in schools because in order to be creative an individual needs to have a wide range of knowledge and skills.  These things are what schools should be teaching so … Continue reading

Just another lesson………the deeper truth about learning objectives.

High order design skills in evidence with a year 8 pupil working on a project.

It wasn’t a formal lesson observation, the kind where you agree what you will be looking at, look at it and then talk about what you looked at.  It was just one of those countless situations where I needed to be in a colleagues room using a piece of equipment while they got on with the lesson … Continue reading

Teaching as learning………..why my job is never boring!

Graphic Products on display at my school.

Well it is the end of another Monday and a chance conversation with the gentleman behind the counter in my local builder’s merchant got me thinking, “I hate Mondays.”  Of course I know what he mean;, the weekend, which we tend to think of as our time, is over and the week stretches out ahead of you with all … Continue reading

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